Friday, September 16, 2011

Change11 Course Outline/Setup

Seems as if we will really do some exploring and relating... even more than in my prior experience. 

Here's the list of presenters (more to follow--topics next). (9/12 6:45 pm Central time)... will add "flesh" as it occurs to me in the next day or so. The numbers refer to the week of ChangeMooc interaction.
  1. ZorainiWati Abas
  2. Martin weller
  3. Allison Littlejohn
  4. David Wiley
  5. Tony Bates
  6. Rory McGreal
  7. Nancy White
  8. Valerie Irvine & Jiliance Code
  9. David Snowden
  10. Rich DeMillo
  11. Ashwin Ram
  12. Kathleen Matheos
  13. Stephen Downes:
  14. Geetha Narayanan
  15. Caroline Haythornthwaite
  16. Pierre Levy
  17. Tony Hirst
  18. Rosa A. Ojeda Ayala-
  19. Alejandro Picitelli
  20. Graine Conole
  21. George Velesianos
  22. George Siemens
  23. Diana Laurillard
  24. Marti Cleland-Innes
  25. Alec Couros
  26. Terry Anderson
  27. Bonnie Stewart

note: Stephen has also "passed out" orientation materials in his ChangeMooc stream of the Daily--here(


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