Friday, September 30, 2011

Class meeting has started using Fuze. Dave hosts while speaker tries to sign in Martin W is uploading a powerpoint.

Will Mooc-ified scholarship be transformative for the field... more directly will it count as compelling research instead, unfortunately, as simply blog posts.??

Martin weller on digital scholarship. (open university, uk)--(.

the boyer view of scholarship (discover, integration, application, teaching)

3 characteristics of a digital scholar.

Research def may change....
   -more granular  .... a blog post?
   -new and multiple connections to shape/collaborate on idea generation, research.
   -analytics ..we can analyze responses, response rates, institutional acceptance/refusal
   -Cultural stickness: "Do the cultural norms of blogging, say, override those of disciplines?
            "Do bloggers in different disciplines have more in common with other bloggers than
              those in the same definition"

-What IS  research , anyway?
-Researchers should lead.... or they'll end up with nothing to say
-Tenure and reward:
- How do we recognize digital scholarship. (see the Harley et al commentary, Cheverie (2009)
-Senior people don't get it. (library, dusty journals etc and thats it the rest is wrong.
-Outsourced Evaluation:   .... oldstyle the publishing journals were the "outsourced scholarship evaluators"

Recognizing digital scholarship; have to

  1. find digital equivalents
  2. generate guidelines that include digital scholarship
  3. use metrics
  4. involve/evolve.maintain peer-assessment
  5. use Micro-credit processes/procedures
  6. Developing alternative methods of assessing digital scholarship
Heppel: (2001)

Should we formally recognise digital scholrahisp.

Network weather. Arin Greenfield. -- idea is alot is happening online that all don't understand. When changes occur --the ignorant just write it of as fate, the weather.... i.e. they don't "get" that much of this is the impact of  the internet

The new conference archive. (twitter, flickr, youtube, books, ning and blogs)

Potential to radically change practice comes from digital technology.... these are exciting times.



Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Startup MindMap and a Focusing Goal Change Mooc

Spent time this week putting together mind map(freemind[opensource]) and links for our changemooc sessions. I believe it is now useable --while being amenable to,  needful of,  adaptation and alteration around individual needs.

Also tried to address a question Stephen put out there.

Finally the proposition: best learning when the teacher and learner together find
a path that addresses the goals and desires closest to"center" of the student's world
and life view.


Friday, September 16, 2011


Starting to up my pace and game as we get ready for next week's substantive beginnings of our course.  I'm spikeh1464 on Change.Mooc.CA

  1. Worked on a twitter stream for the class. The schedule (draft) is here .
  2. Added several names to track in twitter. Evidently the places & systems relating to your statement are added at the tail end of your twit (ie #change11, in this case).
  • Question to which all meetings will be responsive: How can using the web intelligently make us smarter?
    1. Mobile Learning at the Open University of Malaysia
    2. Digital Scholarship
    3. Collective learning
    4. Managing technology to transform teaching
    5. OER for learning
    6. Triangulating, weaving and connecting our learning
    7. Rhizomatic Learning
    8. Learning in times of abundance
    9. Soft stuff, hard stuff, and invisible elephants
    10. Slow learning
    11. Authentic learning
    12. [How] can [using] the web [intelligently] make us smarter?
    13. Social Networks, Learning Communities and Web Science
    14. The IEML philosophy
    15. Knowledge, Learning and Community
    16. Paradoxes of Autonomous and Authentic Learning in VLE
    17. Infoskills 2.012: how to do a lot with a little
    18. Facilitating Networked Learners
    19. Sensemaking, wayfinding, networks, and analytics
    20. Scholars' online participation and practices
    21. Digital Identities & Subjectivities
    22. Open Scholarship
More topics to follow.

PS:  Several topics not yet specified.
PPS: Names of those who are the lights which elevate the  topics above haven't been specified because-- while possibly known to many.... I'm trying to communicate the breadth, and subdivisions of our 30 week +/-   conversation.



Change11 Course Outline/Setup

Seems as if we will really do some exploring and relating... even more than in my prior experience. 

Here's the list of presenters (more to follow--topics next). (9/12 6:45 pm Central time)... will add "flesh" as it occurs to me in the next day or so. The numbers refer to the week of ChangeMooc interaction.
  1. ZorainiWati Abas
  2. Martin weller
  3. Allison Littlejohn
  4. David Wiley
  5. Tony Bates
  6. Rory McGreal
  7. Nancy White
  8. Valerie Irvine & Jiliance Code
  9. David Snowden
  10. Rich DeMillo
  11. Ashwin Ram
  12. Kathleen Matheos
  13. Stephen Downes:
  14. Geetha Narayanan
  15. Caroline Haythornthwaite
  16. Pierre Levy
  17. Tony Hirst
  18. Rosa A. Ojeda Ayala-
  19. Alejandro Picitelli
  20. Graine Conole
  21. George Velesianos
  22. George Siemens
  23. Diana Laurillard
  24. Marti Cleland-Innes
  25. Alec Couros
  26. Terry Anderson
  27. Bonnie Stewart

note: Stephen has also "passed out" orientation materials in his ChangeMooc stream of the Daily--here(
